
3 Tips to Review Your Flashcards Effectively

3 Tips to Review Your Flashcards Effectively

2022-06-02 16:11:51

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Tip #1: Bring your flashcards with you everywhere.


I strongly recommend that you make your flashcards your constant traveling companions. It is particularly easy to review language flashcards on the fly if you use an app on your smartphone. But I carry paper flashcards with me, too. Just grab a few dozen when you head out the door and stash them in your pocket or purse.


Once you start carrying your flashcards with you, you realize just how much down time you have. In line at the post office? Coffee not quite ready at Starbucks? Waiting to pick up your child from school? Whip out your cards.


Even just a minute is enough time to study a few words or phrases. It doesn’t have to be a big production and you certainly don’t need to review everything all at once. In fact, doing flashcards on the go helps to break up the material into manageable increments.


And if you don’t think of flashcards as some sort of crazy ordeal, you will do them more frequently!


Tip #2: Review your flashcards every day.


Flashcards need to be reviewed often in order to yield benefits. This is fairly obvious, but it is important, so I am stressing it here anyway. Don’t just pull your cards out when you have a test looming. Consistency is key.


If you are consistent with your cards, you won’t need to cram for tests, since you will have a solid knowledge of your target language vocabulary. Not to mention that the long-term memory rate is higher if you learn words over a period of time. Cramming may get you through a test, but it won’t help you to master a language.


Note, however, that I did NOT say to do every card every day. In fact, I highly discourage this; it is not a smart or efficient use of your time and energy, and I’m all about smart language learning. Remember, this post is about how to review language flashcards EFFECTIVELY. Plus, as your number of cards increases, studying them all every day soon becomes impractical or impossible anyway.


So, which flashcards should you review each day? This brings us to the next tip.


Tip #3: Employ some sort of spaced repetition system.


This sounds fancy and scary, but all it means is that you should have a system in place that spaces out your flashcard reviews. Studies have shown that you retain information better if you break it up over intervals of time (that is, spaced repetition).


So how do you apply this in your language learning? Well, the basic goal is to study newer and/or more difficult cards more frequently than older and/or easier cards.


This makes sense, if you think about it. You will memorize some words more quickly than others, and so you shouldn’t spend as much time on them. Remember, you want to do your flashcards as effectively and efficiently as possible – and that means not over-studying.


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