
Pros and Cons about Using Flash Cards

Pros and Cons about Using Flash Cards

2022-04-19 16:47:20

Flash cards originated in the United States in the 1960s, and are a kind of visual stimulation card invented by American GLENN DOMAN. In many thinking courses developed with the right brain, we will see the teacher repeatedly overlap and replace the cards by flashing the cards quickly at a speed of less than one second, and at the same time read the corresponding vocabulary, Ask your child to passively memorize these phrases. However, about it, there are still many people who have doubts about it. As a flash memory card factory, our summary is as follows:


Advantages and disadvantages of flash cards


Preschool Educational Flash Cards factory,Educational Flash Cards Printing factory,Flash Cards factory


✔️Supporter's point of view


Parents and institutions that support the use of flashcards use the label of "left and right brain thinking training" and advocate the development of the right brain, arguing that 90% of the brain remains to be developed. The right brain development is to use various methods suitable for the work of the right brain to activate the right brain, so that its potential can be brought into play.


Our human brain is divided into two hemispheres, the left and right hemispheres. The left and right hemispheres have different divisions of labor. For example, the left hemisphere is responsible for human rationality, language, writing, and analysis, while the right hemisphere is mainly responsible for understanding music, images, experience, and intuition.


Those who support the flashcard believe that the right brain is the most active stage before the age of six, and early sensory training in children can promote the development of the child's right brain. And through the fast flashing "flash cards", children's visual senses can be stimulated, and their memory, observation ability, thinking ability, concentration, language ability and comprehension ability can be cultivated.


Children can use these rich contents to subtly input information and expand their knowledge. And by repeating it continuously, you can easily achieve the effect of enhancing memory ability. Insist on using flash cards to give children input. A child of a few years old can have twice or more vocabulary than his peers! This "effect" is amazing!


❌Opponent's point of view


Whole-brain thinking training and "flash cards" are all the rage, but doubts about them are also increasing. Parents and some experts who oppose the use of flash cards believe that flash cards were originally designed for mentally handicapped children with brain damage, and using this method for "training" on normal children may outweigh the gains.


Because the flashcard mode is a cramming indoctrination, it emphasizes the passive input and absorption of the child, training the child's passive memory ability, rather than the child's active thinking and creative ability.


In addition, the rapid flashing of a flash card in less than one second has also raised some doubts about whether a child whose vision is developing will cause visual damage.


To sum up


In fact, it is undeniable that everything has two sides, which mainly depends on how we use it. It should be noted that when using flashcard training, flashcards are not stimulating teaching, flashcards are a fun exercise, not learning, otherwise the effect will only be counterproductive.


Moreover, flash cards cannot fully develop and promote the right brain development of every child. More importantly, the flashcards are not for parents to conduct blunt training at home, but need to formulate a plan according to the teacher's guidance and the specific situation of the child;


In short, when playing flashcards, you should pay attention to the age group, and the language should be guided, standing in the child's world to perceive things, rather than imposing practice.


We are Preschool Educational Flash Cards factory,Educational Flash Cards Printing factory,Flash Cards factory, for more information, we are glad to answer for you.

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