
Specific Steps for Using Tarot

Specific Steps for Using Tarot

2022-06-02 11:42:46

wholesale OEM Kids Educational Flash Cards



Before each speculation, the inquirer must shuffle the cards and mix the cards at will.


First, put the tarot cards face down and fold them in your hands. Concentrate, don't think about anything, obey your will, draw a drop from the middle of the stack, and put it on the top of the stack. Repeat the same action several times. The number of times depends on your will.


Next, put the cards on the plane (face down), concentrate on spreading them out in a circle, and start shuffling with both hands in a clockwise direction. When shuffling, you should silently state the problem to be speculated and think about the card type to be adopted.


Listen to your inner voice, and you will feel when you can stop; At this time, slowly gather the cards (still clockwise), restore them to a stack of cards, and place them horizontally.


In addition, some speculative rules require the person who asks to concentrate on his own will and meditate on his problems. At this time, you just need to keep your mind free of distractions; When to stop shuffling is decided by the inquirer.




Cut cards


After washing the cards, fold the cards, place them horizontally, and cut the cards by the requestor. (if the inquirer is a diviner, the diviner cuts the cards.)


First of all, please concentrate, pick up a stack of cards from the top of the stack according to your own will (absolutely not allowed), and put this stack of cards at the bottom of the original stack (i.e. close to the direction of the diviner) into two stacks.


Then, take another stack of cards from the top of the second stack and put them on the top of the first stack (that is, away from the direction of the diviner). Make three stacks of cards in front of you.


Next, the diviner will fold the cards back. First, take up the first stack, put it on the top of the second stack, and then put the stacked cards on the top of the original third stack to restore it to a stack of cards.


Finally, turn the horizontal card to a straight one (the face is always down).


Note: if you are speculating for others, the direction of rotation of the diviner is counterclockwise. If you are speculating for yourself, rotate the card 90 degrees clockwise. Once you make a mistake, the meaning of the whole card will be completely reversed, so you must be careful.


Card selection


Select the card array according to the question to be asked by the inquirer, and let the inquirer draw cards.


Card array


According to the decided card array, put the cards selected by the inquirer in place in turn. In the process of putting cards into position, each card should maintain the state of facing down. The cards that are not selected by the inquirer should also be kept straight and face down, stacked, and placed aside.


Note: after historical sedimentation, the tarot card array is generally a modern card array with 1-7 cards, 7-40 cards are the original improved card array, and more than 40 cards are the original card array.


Open a card


Open the cards in the card array in turn (do not turn the direction of the cards).




Whether it is for themselves or others, the diviner should first feel the overall feeling and the meaning of the card type before solving the card; Then from the solution of each card and the relationship between the whole card type to do a comprehensive analysis.


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