
Tarot History: How Can a Deck Tell You Everything?

Tarot History: How Can a Deck Tell You Everything?

2022-05-11 14:19:59
  OEM Tarot Cards are often seen as tools for divination. Traditional Tarot OEM Game Cards interpretation involves a questioner: someone looking for answers to personal questions and a reader: someone who knows how to interpret the information on the card.

 OEM Tarot Cards,OEM Game Cards,Family Game Cards supplier

  Every position on every tarot card has a moral, and so does every card. The interpreter combines this moral with the questioner personally to help the questioner solve the problem. This very simple process is rarely presented in a simple way. In movies we always see tarot cards used in shabby living rooms or secret rooms. An old woman is sitting in a dark corner, reading cards to a nervous young girl. Even now, this dark aura still clings to the tarot cards.
  Some religions shun these cards, and the scientific community denounces them as symbols of irrationality, a continuation of an uncivilized past. Let's put these blurry images aside for a moment and consider what the tarot cards really are? Is he a deck of cards? What can we use it for?

  The real answer to "the truest side of everyone" lies in the subconscious mind - this deep level of memory and awareness that exists within each of us, but outside of our everyday experience. Although we ignore unconscious behavior most of the time, But it profoundly affects everything we do.
  Psychologist Sigmund Freud exposed the irrational, primitive side of the human unconscious in his writings. He believes that this is the nature of our most unacceptable desires and impulses. His contemporary Carl Jung emphasized the positive, creative side of the subconscious. He's trying to show that it's part of a collective that touches everyone.
  We may never know the full scope and power of the subconscious mind, but there are ways to explore. Psychotherapy, dream interpretation, meditation, etc. have been born for this purpose. Tarot cards are also a way to explore the subconscious mind.
  A typical card from the Tarot Family Game Cards supplier: Five of Swords. On this card there is a person holding three swords and looking at two figures in the distance. The other two swords lay on the ground. When we look at this card, we start to create a story around the image.
  It can be seen that a person seems satisfied with the battle they have won. He looked rather smug, happy that he had all the swords he had. Others looked downcast. Of course, this is just an imagination. After we see the images and symbols, our inner subconscious will start to imagine and construct a story that we think ourselves. Everyone who sees the same card will imagine a completely different story. It is also possible that the person wanted to take up the sword. Appeals to others to help him, but they refuse. Or maybe the other two were fighting and he persuaded them to lay down their weapons.
  The point is, out of all possible stories, you made a choice. We always see reality through our own lens, revealing our subconscious. Subconscious projection is one of the reasons why tarot cards are valuable. Their funny pictures and cards can effectively open our subconscious mind.
  As human beings, we all share certain needs and experiences. The images on the tarot cards capture these universal and common human moments and draw them in unison. Over the centuries, tarot cards have developed into a collection of the most fundamental patterns of human thought and emotion.
  The power of tarot comes from the union of the individual with the universe. You can look at each card in your own way, but at the same time, you are also supported by an understanding that others find meaningful. Tarot cards are a mirror that reflects back the hidden aspects of your own unique consciousness. We are actively involved in every step of using the Tarot cards to answer questions.
  The answers revealed by the tarot cards come from a part of ourselves, which is a reflection from our latent awareness of what it actually means. The subconscious mind understands what we need and guides us in the direction we need it. Some call this guide the soul, superconscious, or higher self. I call it the "mind guide" because that's the role it plays in the tarot. Each of us has a spiritual guide that serves as the source of meaning in our lives.
  Your inner guide is always with you because it is a part of you. You can't break the connection, but you can ignore it. When you play the tarot cards, these guiding signals are released. We are born to rely on the wisdom of inner guidance, but somehow we have forgotten how to approach it.
  OEM Family Game Tarot Cards supplier, we trust our conscious mind but forget to dig deep, conscious mind is smart but unfortunately not fully aware that we need to make proper choices every day.
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