
The Last Four Doctrine about Tarot

The Last Four Doctrine about Tarot

2022-04-20 15:43:26

In previous blogs, we introduced other doctrines. As a Tarot Cards,Popular Tarot Cards,custom Tarot Cards manufacturer, today we mainly introduce the other 4 theories.


Tarot Cards,Popular Tarot Cards,custom Tarot Cards


Hebrew doctrine


It is said that it comes from Hebrew. After research experts have found that the 22 major Arcana cards of the Tarot are closely related to the 22 letters of Hebrew, as well as the philosophy of the ancient Hebrews, Kabbala. Legend has it that Kabbalah is the knowledge that God imparted to Moses on enhancing spiritual power, and it emphasizes the cooperation between people.


However, Torah means law in Hebrew, the book of their law. Jews interpret the Torah scriptures in a way called Gematria (Hebrew Alphabet Code), a numbering technique based on Hebrew and the Hebrew alphabet, for each Hebrew Letters are assigned a corresponding numerical value, allowing each Hebrew letter to generate more implied meaning through the corresponding number.


Ancient Roman doctrine


It is said that it comes from ancient Rome. In the 19th century, the French occultist Levi proposed that Tarot originated from the four-letter arrangement cycle of "T", "A", "R" and "O". The inspiration for the four-letter cycle arrangement lies in "rota", which means "wheel" in Latin, when rota is placed in a circle, so that it can be read from T, so rota can also become TARO.


In addition, the four words TARO can be arranged in a circular arrangement: TARO-ROTA (wheel)-TORA (law)-ORAT (oral)-ATOR (Goddess Hathor, Egyptian name is Isis). Some imaginative people can read it as "Goddess Hathor dictates the law of the Tarot Wheel".


Ancient India doctrine


The origin of Tarot cards in ancient India is mainly based on the small Arcana cards. The swords, stars, scepters, and holy grails appearing in the cards are very similar to the instruments held in the hands of Indian gods. The symbolic things in some tarot cards are very similar to the meanings of instruments in Indian religion.


This statement lacks a theoretical basis, and has a bit of a "blind man touching an elephant", but it has no lack of supporters, and has become a member of the dispute over the origin of tarot cards.


Jewish doctrine


After a series of studies, experts have found that the Tarot cards are closely related to the Kabbala of the ancient Hebrews, which can be said to be relatively reliable. Kabbala is the philosophy of ancient Jews. According to legend, it is a kind of knowledge that God imparted to Moses (or "Messer") to cooperate with each other and improve spiritual strength.


The twenty-two major arcanas of the Tarot have a profound relationship with the twenty-two letters of Hebrew and the kabbala. Some people have compiled a comparison table between the Tarot and the ancient Hebrew letters. Tarot card research has shown that the argument that tarot cards originated from ancient Jews is highly credible.


It can be seen from the above that the origin of the tarot card is roughly as follows: first of all, the major arcana of the tarot card originated from the Kabbaka of the ancient Jews. Because the ancient Jews had frequent contact with the ancient Egyptians, they also absorbed a lot of Egyptian religious symbols. With the frequent wars in the Middle East, the predecessor of the tarot card almost disappeared. Later, the Gypsies somehow learned to use the tarot card, but I believe they may not have a very good understanding of the philosophical aspect of the tarot card, and they use it as a divination tool. From the 12th to the 14th century, the tarot card spread to Europe and became popular in the Middle Ages in the West. It can be found in many pictures and books at that time. Whether it is a royal palace or a common people, tarot cards are everywhere.


Until the rise of the church, tarot cards were regarded as pagan mystical magic and have been suppressed since then. Under the protection of people with a heart, the tarot card still survived, showing its mysterious atmosphere in front of the world.


After the power of the church weakened, the tarot cards could be developed again, and new tarot cards were launched one after another. Especially at the end of the nineteenth century, after researchers linked the tarot cards with the scrolls of the ancient Jewish esoteric religion, the tarot cards were Research has become more systematic, and Ridertarot is one of the representatives.


Last few words


The specific origin of the tarot card has been unexplored, but it has added mystery to the tarot.

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