
The Mystery of Poker

The Mystery of Poker

2022-07-20 10:43:31

Poker is an entertaining and gambling paper toy that is popular all over the world. The origin of poker is not completely determined, but there are roughly the following theories:


Origin of poker


  • Playing cards were probably first introduced to Europe by the merchants of Venice.
  • Playing cards originated from Ye Zixi in the Southern Song Dynasty of China.
  • India is more likely than China to be the origin of playing cards, because early European playing card tarot is related to Hindu mythology.


Although the origin of playing cards is an unsolved mystery, current scholars believe that it is stereotyped in France.


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"JOKER" was invented in the United States and then returned to Europe along with poker.


The number of earliest playing cards varies from place to place. 78 in Italy, 32 in Germany, 40 in Spain, and 52 in France.


In the future, it will become an international poker deck with 52 cards, plus two "Joker" (also known as the big king or the big ghost), for a total of 54 cards. So far, the suits, points, and k, q, and j patterns on the playing cards are basically finalized.


Poker suit points


Playing cards are divided into four suits, namely spades, hearts, square corners, and clubs.


The four suits have different names. The French call it "spear, heart, square, clove leaf", the German call it "leaf, heart, bell, acorn", and the Italian call it "sword, coin, stick, wine glass".


Why should these four patterns be used as the suits of playing cards, there are many ways to say in the past.


There are two more concentrated statements:


  • It is said that these four colors represent the four main industries of the society at that time, among which spades represent spears, symbolizing soldiers; plum blossoms represent clover flowers, symbolizing agriculture; squares represent bricks and tiles used by craftsmen; hearts represent red hearts, symbolizing Priest.


  • Another theory is that these four colors are derived from the patterns of ancient divination objects in Europe. Among them, spades represent olive leaves, symbolizing peace; plums are clover, which means luck; squares are diamond-shaped, symbolizing wealth; and hearts are red hearts. type, a symbol of wisdom and love.


Later, according to the calendar in astronomy, Westerners unified the content of this card game card into 54 cards and four suits. In this way, after a long period of evolution, they gradually converged.


There are 54 playing cards, representing 52 weeks in a year. The two second cards, the big cat, represent the sun, and the kitten, the moon; the peach, heart, square, and plum represent the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn, and winter.


The red cards represent day, the black cards represent night; the 13 weeks of each season and the number of cards in each suit of poker are exactly 13, and the sum of the points of 52 cards is 364, plus one point of the kitten, it is 365, It is the same number of days as a normal year; if you add a little more cat, it is exactly the number of days in a leap year.


There are 12 cards of K, Q and J in playing cards, which not only indicate that there are 12 months in a year, but also indicate that the sun passes through 12 constellations in a year.




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