
How to Use Flash Card?

How to Use Flash Card?

2022-07-11 15:44:16

wholesale Preschool Educational Flash Cards supplier

After making the flash card, how can we play these flash cards?


Generally speaking, activities using flash cards can be divided into four categories: memory activities, training activities, recognition activities, and TPR activities.


wholesale Preschool Educational Flash Cards supplier


  1. Memory activity


Put a group of selected flash cards in a circle.


Participants have one minute to write down cards.


Put away the cards for two minutes and write as many words as possible. Look who writes more!


  1. Practice activities


Stick nine flash cards to a board and draw the grid with a pen.


Practice each word with the children one by one, while pointing to the flashcard you are practicing with a pen.


Remove the flash card you are practicing, but continue to point to the empty grid where the original flash card is located and practice with the children.


Point to an empty grid and nod to encourage the children to say the words of the flash card where the empty grid was just located.


When children find that they can remember these words, they will feel great!


This activity highlights the impact of visual aids, which really proves that images "stick" in children's minds.


  1. Identify activities


Cover the flash card with a card, and then show it slowly, so that the children can guess which word it is.


Once the card is shown, practice the word with the children in different tones and stupid voices to keep it fun. You can change the volume, say it in a low voice for a while, read it out loud for a while, or read words with the elderly, children, and male and female voices respectively. Children will imitate your voice and enjoy it!


You can also flip the card quickly so that children can take a quick look and repeat the flip until they guess the word, and then practice.


  1. TPR activities


The full name of TPR is a total physical response, also known as the direct communication teaching method, which was proposed by Dr. James J. Asher, a famous American psychologist. Its main principle is to take "listening doing action" as the teaching organization form and let the language enter the right half of the student's brain. Some flash cards are also suitable for learning in the form of TPR activities. For example, a flash card competition:


Put flash cards on the walls of the study room.


Say one of the words and let the children quickly point it out or run to the card.


You can also expand the game. For example, you can say, "hop to the cat", and even set conditions to play with children. For example, you can say, "if you have long hair, swim to the fish" and so on. It will be fun!


You can also develop these four kinds of games according to your creativity and experience. In general, based on flash cards, through the integration of images, sounds, and actions, you can help children remember these words faster and more solidly.


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