
The Four Family Educational Significances of Flash Cards

The Four Family Educational Significances of Flash Cards

2022-07-11 15:48:30

Preschool Educational Flash Cards manufacturer

What is a flash card? So far, flash cards are still very strange to most families in China. The original inventor of the flash card was Dr. Duman, the director of the American Institute for human potential development, so we are used to calling it the Duman flash card. Dr. kitata, a famous early childhood educator in Japan, inherited flash card education, and then there was kitata flash card. Flash cards are used in children's family education. They are knowledge cards involving various fields. Because they are flashed to children at the speed of 0.8-1 seconds each time, they are called flash cards, or flash cards for short.




Why promote flash card education for children?


Because the flashcard has the following four aspects of great educational significance:


First, activate the right brain


The left brain is a brain with a low-speed rhythm, and the right brain is a brain with a high-speed rhythm. When each card flashes at a speed of less than one second, the left brain cannot respond and can only rely on the right brain to function. Therefore, it helps to promote the activation of the right brain.


Second, it can cultivate the instant memory of the right brain


Different from the left brain, the right brain has a photographic function, which can remember what you see in an instant. Learning by flash cards can expand the instant memory of the right brain.


Third, connect the right brain with the left brain


The right brain is the brain of the image, and the left brain is the brain of language. Teaching children vocabulary while showing the card can combine the image processing ability of the right brain with the speech understanding ability of the left brain.


Fourth, cultivate the language ability of the left brain


The cognitive impairment of the left brain is that it cannot recognize everything, and all things will be mixed. After practicing flashcards, you can combine things with names, so that children can remember the names of things and clearly distinguish things.


The younger the child is, the more suitable it is to use the flash card because the younger the child is, the more developed the right brain is. After the child is one year old, the significance of using the flash card is not great, but you can continue to use the flash card as a game card. The most ideal flash card is a self-made flash card, which is made according to the local situation and the growth of your baby. This is an important part of designing a family education program, but self-made flash cards need to collect information and printing technology, which may not be available to most families. If you can't make it yourself, you can buy finished Duman flash cards and Qitian real flash cards. Now there are many fake and inferior flash cards on the market, which can't be used.


We are a Preschool Educational Flash Cards manufacturer, our products satisfy our customers. And we want to be your long-term partner, any interests, welcome to contact us.

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