
Why does Whole Brain Education Need Flash Cards?

Why does Whole Brain Education Need Flash Cards?

2022-07-11 16:12:38

Educational Flash Cards Printing manufacturer

What is a flash card?


Green Duman, a famous American brain scientist, is the authority on global brain development and the founder of the piazze Association, a famous intellectual development research group. He wrote, "it's wrong to teach one or two-year-old children to recognize and pronounce words one by one. If you want to teach children to recognize words, you'd better write the words on the card, only let them look at them, and then read them out. This practice can enable children to master a strange skill - to remember the most information at the moment of seeing objects." This is the flash card!


Educational Flash Cards Printing manufacturer


Flash cards are the most important teaching aids in the whole brain classroom. The specific way is to let the children see the cards at the speed of two per second (if the speed is not reached in family training, it is best not to try it easily!)


In fact, flashcards are not teaching children knowledge, but letting children watch flashcards at high speed and in large quantities can activate the right brain. Because the left brain cannot process such high-speed and large amounts of information. By observing the brain state of children when looking at flashcards with a brain wave meter, it will be found that only the right brain is active at this time.


The function of flash card


Allowing children to watch flashcards at high speed and in large quantities can also cultivate children's photographic memory ability. This is why the photographic memory training in Yiduo's whole-brain class should follow the flash card. Photographic memory is a kind of memory unique to the right brain, which trains the child's brain to become a camera.


During flashcard training, the teacher should ask the children to say the name of the object when they see an object without a background. The children need to remember a large number of words correctly, so the language ability of the left brain is slowly formed. In other words, flashcards also play a role in the development of the left brain. Flash cards can make the left brain and right brain work at the same time. Let children listen to vocabulary while looking at the picture, which will connect the right brain in charge of images with the left brain in charge of language.


Wei Wenger, famous American brain development and research expert, said in the Book Einstein's genes: that our left brain can only process one word or phrase at a time, but when we read books, learn foreign languages or master difficult mathematics, we must process hundreds of information at a time. So what should we do? Dr. kitata discovered the secret hidden in it - when inputting information to the brain at high speed, the left brain could not process it, so he activated the function of the right brain.




Activate the right brain


Through a large number of high-speed card readings, the low-speed left brain will not catch up, while the high-speed right brain will give priority so that a variety of potential abilities can be developed.


Improve language ability


If you input language subconsciously, you will significantly improve your language ability. More communication with children has the same effect, which is very helpful for children's pronunciation and language expression.


Cultivate right brain memory


Repeated flash cards can quickly activate the right brain and cultivate the right brain memory that can capture what you see as an image and instantly remember it.


Match the picture with the text content


Cross flash the corresponding text card and picture card, and you can naturally understand the relationship between pictures and literature.


Searching for a Educational Flash Cards Printing manufacturer, you can get high-quality products at a nice price.

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